Online Payments

You can pay your library fines, make donations to the library or make payments due for lost or damaged books.

Reminder: If you are paying fines from home, it may take 24 hours for your payment to be processed. So, if you pay from home, please print out a payment confirmation page and bring it with you when you visit the library. If we have not yet processed your payment, then your library account may still show the fines that you have paid, but after 24 hours, you may expect your account to have been cleared by the amount that you have paid.


To pay fines please log in to your account through the Online Catalog and click on the Fines tab.

General Fees at the Belmont County District Library

Please use this form to pay for photocopies, obituary requests, faxes or other fee-based services provided by the Library.


Donate to the Belmont County District Library

The library's Memorial and Honor program is a wonderful way to remember loved ones and friends who have passed. This program also provides a unique way to honor special events such as birthdays, graduations, or anniversaries. Your gift to the Belmont County District Library will not only be a lasting memorial but also bring enjoyment and knowledge to the community.


You can donate online or click here to complete the form and return it to the library. 

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