Notary Services

The Belmont County District Library offers Notary Services to our library patrons free of charge.

Requirements for the use of Notary Services are:

  • Please call the library location you wish to visit to make sure a Notary is available. Notary Service is usually available to the public during normal operating hours.
  • Prior to your visit, please look over your documents to be sure you have all your paperwork and have completed all required documentation.
  • Bring a picture ID with you such as your driver’s license or state-issued identification card. All parties involved in the notarization process must have a picture ID.
  • Do not sign anything until the Notary is present.
  • If you need witnesses bring them along with you.
  • When you arrive at the library there may be a short wait until the Notary is able to leave other duties to offer you Notary service.
  • The library will notarize documents daily until half an hour before closing.

Documents We Will Not Notarize
There are certain documents we will not notarize:

  • Mortgage and Housing Refinance documents
  • Final Wills
  • Notary Protests
  • Homeland Security I-9 forms
  • Foreign Documents written in any language other than English
  • Titles without buyer address and name (state law requires this section complete, regardless of circumstance)

We reserve the right to refuse notarizing documents for any legal reason or reason pertaining to Library operation.

NOTE: In the State of Ohio, we cannot certify documents. We will not certify copies of birth certificates, marriages, death certificates, divorce, or naturalization certificates.

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